

Embodiment as Intelligent Artification
For Human and Social Augmentation




Embodia Platform

Virtual reality experiment has the potential to impact our health, character, and beliefs in profound ways that we may not yet fully understand. As this virtual world continues to expand and develop, it is vital to maintain its openness and prioritize data democracy and ownership. Embodia plays a crucial role in this endeavor by offering an open-source and open-development metaverse platform that allows for decentralized virtual worlds and communities, with users retaining control of their data and experiences. Embodia also empowers researchers and scientists to create services that monitor users’ health and well-being, providing valuable feedback to individuals. With Embodia, we can transform the metaverse into a space that prioritizes health and wellness, empowering individuals to take control of their virtual experiences.

Embodia Products

Collaborative virtual experiences for wellbeing enhancement.

Play Video


Embodia’s self-meeting enables users to conduct virtual meetings with themselves, creating a secure and private environment for personal growth and introspection. This unique feature provides a novel opportunity for individuals to engage in self-reflection and development.

Group Meeting


Embodia’s group meeting product fosters collaboration and communication among participants in an immersive environment with lifelike avatars. Sharing desktop screens and 3D objects are possible, with privacy settings giving users control over who sees their private data.

Embodia’s Doctor’s Room


Embodia’s Doctor’s Room offers virtual consultations for patients and doctors, serving as an alternative to in-person visits and increasing healthcare service accessibility. Patients can share their real-time wearable data or medical history with their doctor for analysis.

Embodia’s Doctor’s Room
virual psychotherapy room


This room enables users to have private and convenient virtual therapy sessions. Clients can use 3D objects or visualization tools to express themselves and share real-time data from their wearables or past records for analysis.

Embodia’s Seminar Room


Embodia’s Seminar Room provides a virtual platform for professional development and education. Smart home digital twins or medical avatars can be used as training tools on topics like energy efficiency or anatomy. Presenters can create and sell seminar room tickets through the Centeria marketplace, while attendees can participate in real-time Q&A sessions.

Embodia’s Seminar Room
Film Making Platform

Film Making

Embodia provides advanced tools and features for film makers to create unique and immersive cinematic experiences in 3D. The platform allows for collaboration and recording of metaverse experiences, with playback and editing tools to create visually stunning final products. The use of NFTs enables groups of film makers to own the rights to their creation.

Embodia Features

Embodia is a virtual and augmented reality platform with a range of features that includes peer-to-peer communication, environment and avatar customization, open-source development, recording and playback of virtual experiences, desktop screen sharing, integration with wearables and IoT devices, and body tracking. These features enable users to collaborate and communicate in a more immersive and realistic virtual world, which can be personalized and customized. Embodia’s platform is flexible and can be used with any device and operating system, making it accessible to a wide range of users. Additionally, Embodia’s body tracking feature has potential applications in fields such as physical therapy and cognitive games.


Environment Customization

3D Asset Sharing

E2E With NFT Marketplace

IoT Wearable Integration



Body Tracking

Desktop Screen Sharing

Secure Decentralized Communication

Emotional Face Expression

Open-Source Platform

Personal Realistic Avatar

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Now just MVPs are ready to demonstrate for investors.

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If you are an investor, please get in touch with Embodia. If you’re interested in our products and platform, please leave your email so we can notify you when our products become available.
Now just MVPs are ready to demonstrate for investors.

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Join the Allostasis DAO foundation and become part of a movement that promotes sustainable living and individualized well-being. Whether you are an entrepreneur, researcher, healthcare professional, or simply passionate about supporting positive change, there is a place for you in the community.

Join Community

Join the Allostasis DAO foundation and become part of a movement that promotes sustainable living and individualized well-being. Whether you are an entrepreneur, researcher, healthcare professional, or simply passionate about supporting positive change, there is a place for you in the community.