The metaverse, as an embodied experiment, has the potential to have a profound impact on our health, character, and beliefs in ways that we may not yet fully comprehend. As the metaverse continues to grow and evolve, it is crucial to ensure that it remains open, with data democracy and ownership at its core. This is where Embodia comes in, by providing an open-source and open-development metaverse platform that allows for decentralized virtual worlds and communities, with the users in control of their own data and experiences. Embodia also enables researchers and scientists to create services to monitor users’ health and changes, providing valuable feedback to individuals about their well-being. Embodia is a member of the Allostasis DAO foundation, a decentralized autonomous organization that rewards startups in health and sustainability with Stasis and Allo tokens.

As a pioneering startup supported by Allostasis, Embodia is committed to driving the development of open-source, decentralized, and accessible virtual worlds. Through its membership with Allostasis, Embodia has access to resources and expertise that it can use to enhance and promote its open-development metaverse platform, aligning with Allostasis’ goal of promoting and supporting health and sustainability in the communities of the fourth industrial revolution.

Embodia offers a variety of services that are ready to be used, such as self-meetings, group meetings, doctor’s rooms, psychotherapy rooms, group therapy rooms and seminar rooms. The platform also empowers game developers, researchers, asset and avatar designers to create and monetize their own unique metaverse experiences or digital assets. Moreover, they can generate new rooms or experiences, for instance, for rehabilitation, cognitive or emotional games, thus growing the community.

Embodia, as a member of Allostasis DAO foundation, has the opportunity to leverage resources and expertise from other ecosystem startups like Centeria, a decentralized marketplace for Allostasis ecosystem, to monetize metaverse assets, avatars, and virtual environments as NFTs, and monetize services such as telemedicine and desktop sharing in meetings. Furthermore, Avatia, another member of Allostasis, can provide Embodia users with realistic and medicine class avatars. Additionally, Greenia and Incarnia, also supported by Allostasis, can utilize Embodia’s rooms and seminars for showcasing, collaboration, and training. Embodia’s self-meeting rooms are also available for personal development for users of Incarnia.

Embodia offers secure, end-to-end encrypted, and decentralized peer-to-peer collaboration. It is built using open-source game engine and collaboration server technology, and it offers metaverse experience services to other members of the Allostasis ecosystem. Additionally, the platform allows for integration with wearables from Wearia or other open-source wearables, where users’ data is stored under their control. The servers are distributed and decentralized, and no one in Embodia has control over them.

This white paper will provide an overview of Embodia, its mission and goals, and the problem it aims to solve, as well as the technical details of the platform, its key features, and how it allows users to create and monetize their own metaverse experiences. Additionally, it will cover the various use cases for Embodia, the potential impact of Embodia on different industries, and the future of Embodia and the metaverse more generally.

Embodia’s mission is to empower health researchers, professionals and patients by providing an open source and open development platform where researchers and developers can collaborate to create innovative health and well-being applications. Through Embodia platform, we aim to improve access to health services, enhance patient outcomes, and support the development of new technologies and solutions that can help address the most pressing health challenges facing communities around the world.

Embodia’s vision is to be a forefront platform for personalized and decentralized healthcare services, empowering people with innovative technologies, resources, and tools to improve their health and wellness. As an open-source and open-development platform, Embodia seeks to foster collaboration among researchers and developers to create cutting-edge health applications, making healthcare more accessible and equitable for all.

Centralized Control and Lack of Data Ownership

 One of the main problems with current virtual worlds and metaverse platforms is that they are often controlled by a centralized entity, who has access to and controls users’ data. Embodia solves this problem by providing a decentralized and open-source platform where users have full control over their data and can choose to share or monetize it as they see fit.

Limited Customization and Personalization

 Another problem with current virtual worlds is that they often lack the ability for users to customize and personalize their experiences. Embodia solves this problem by allowing users to choose from a wide range of environments and avatars from the Centeria marketplace, as well as allowing creators to create and sell their own environments and avatars.

Lack of Immersive and Realistic Experiences

 Current virtual worlds often lack the ability to provide truly immersive and realistic experiences. Embodia solves this problem by allowing for body tracking, which enables users to track their body motions and expressions and synchronize their avatars with their actual movements, providing a more immersive and realistic experience. In addition, users can use their similar realistic avatar.

Limited Collaboration and Innovation

 Current virtual worlds often lack the ability for developers, researchers, and designers to collaborate and innovate on new virtual experiences. Embodia solves this problem by providing an open-source and open-development platform where developers, researchers, and designers can collaborate on new virtual experiences by editing or developing templates that are available on the platform.

Limited Access and Inclusivity

 Current virtual worlds are often exclusive, with limited access and availability. Embodia solves this problem by providing an open-source and open-development platform that allows anyone to run a server, creating new nodes for the network, and rewarding them for adding more users, which makes it more accessible and inclusive for everyone.

Virtual reality (VR), and its potential evolution into the metaverse, is a powerful technology that can create immersive and realistic simulations of various environments and scenarios. VR can also induce a sense of illusion in users, making them feel as if they are present in the virtual world and have a different body than their own. This phenomenon is known as body ownership illusion (BOI), and it can have profound effects on users’ perception, cognition, emotion and behavior. This can be achieved by creating a visual-motor synchrony and a visuo-tactile synchrony between the user and the avatar. These illusions can affect one’s perception of oneself and others as well as one’s physiological and neural responses. For example, Mel Slater and his colleagues have shown that VR can be used to reduce racial bias increase empathy improve self-esteem and treat phobias.

One of the main challenges of creating BOI is to achieve a high degree of embodiment, which refers to the extent to which users identify with and control their virtual body. Embodiment requires a careful integration of various technologies, such as head-mounted displays (HMDs), motion capture systems, haptic devices, physiological sensors and brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). These technologies can provide multisensory feedback that aligns with users’ movements and actions, enhancing their sense of agency and presence.

One of the most promising applications of VR and metaverse is in the field of health and well-being. they can offer novel opportunities for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of various physical and mental disorders. Moreover, the metaverse and VR offer opportunities for augmentation and enhancement of human abilities. In the realm of physical health, VR and the metaverse can be used for rehabilitation and physical therapy, providing a safe and controlled environment for patients to practice movements and exercises that may be difficult or dangerous to perform in the real world. In addition, VR can be used to simulate extreme environments for training purposes, such as high altitude or zero-gravity environments.) VR can also enhance health and well-being by enabling various forms of augmentation, which refers to improving users’ abilities beyond their normal limits. Augmentation can be achieved by modifying users’ virtual body or environment in ways that are not possible in reality, such as giving those superpowers, extra limbs, or a digital twin. Augmentation can also be achieved by providing users with interactive and simulated experiences that challenge and train their cognitive functions, such as memory, attention, reasoning, problem-solving and creativity. Moreover, VR can use brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) to monitor and modulate users’ brain activity in real time, creating adaptive feedback loops that optimize their learning outcomes. Augmentation can have positive effects on users’ performance, creativity and well-being. It can also benefit patients with cognitive impairments due to brain injury or aging, by offering personalized and engaging interventions that stimulate neuroplasticity and recovery.

However, embodiment is not only a technical issue but also a psychological one. Users’ prior expectations, beliefs, attitudes and motivations can also influence their experience of BOI. Therefore, it is important to design VR scenarios that are engaging, meaningful and relevant for users’ goals and needs. For example, VR can be used to create positive illusion

Embodia’s open-source platform provides researchers and developers with the opportunity to create cognitive metaverse experiences that enable them to engage with subjects from all around the world. With Embodia, developers and researchers can create immersive experiences that provide individuals with access to advanced technologies, tools, and resources that can enhance their health and wellness. These experiences can include virtual reality environments, interactive simulations, and wearables data that allows users to learn about different aspects of health and wellness in an engaging and interactive way.

Embodia’s platform also allows researchers and developers to connect with individuals from diverse backgrounds and communities from all around the world. This global network provides researchers with a unique opportunity to conduct studies and gather data on a wide range of health-related topics. By leveraging the power of Embodia’s decentralized network, researchers and developers can collaborate with individuals from different cultures and communities to gain a better understanding of how different factors impact health and well-being.

The Platform Structure of Embodia is decentralized in nature, it has no central server, instead, servers are distributed and decentralized. This means that anyone can run a server and create a new node for the network, and they will be rewarded by adding more users. The servers play a role in helping the webRTC protocol for handling P2P communication.

Embodia utilizes a distributed network of servers that are spread across the globe, which ensures that the virtual worlds are always available to users, even if one server goes down. This also makes the platform more resistant to attacks and ensures that user data is not centralized in one location, reducing the risk of data breaches or manipulation.

Embodia also uses blockchain technology to ensure the security of the virtual worlds and the transactions that take place within them. The blockchain is used to record transactions and ensure that the virtual worlds are secure and decentralized.

All the processing, including data management, communication, and security are executed within the client, this ensures high performance and low latency. The client also allows for integration with wearables from Wearia or other open-source wearables, which can be used to collect and store data about users’ body motion, physiology and well-being. Additionally, other users’ devices, such as IoT devices, can be synchronized with virtual experiences, allowing for a more immersive and personalized experience.

Embodia is designed to be a cross-platform and cross-device metaverse platform. Users as client can join Embodia using any device, including desktop computers, laptops, mobile devices, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) headsets, regardless of the operating system. This means that users can join Embodia using Windows, Android, iOS, or MacOS devices. This allows for a seamless and accessible experience for users, as they can join Embodia from any device they prefer, whether it’s a desktop computer at work or a mobile device on the go. This level of accessibility and flexibility is essential for building a vibrant and inclusive metaverse community.

Users as client can collect their data locally, and store them in decentralized protocols and platforms for sharing or selling. This allows users to have full control over their data and decide how it is used and shared. The platform structure of Embodia is designed to ensure that it is decentralized, secure, and user-centric, with a focus on data democracy and ownership where everyone can run a server and get rewarded by adding more users to network. It also ensures that the processing and management of data is done within the client, which results in high performance and low latency.

Embodia also offers an embodied experience of virtual worlds through the use of VR or AR boxes. These boxes are designed to hold a user’s smartphone and allow them to enjoy a fully immersive experience without the need for expensive VR or AR headsets. This makes Embodia accessible to a wider range of users, as they can use their existing smartphone to experience the virtual worlds, rather than having to purchase a specialized device. This is an important feature, as it reduces the barrier to entry for users and enables more people to join the metaverse community. Additionally, this approach to VR and AR experiences allows Embodia to stand out from other competitors who mainly rely on headsets, providing more flexibility and accessibility to users.

Embodia offers a range of features that make it a powerful and versatile metaverse platform. Some of the key features include:

End-to-end encrypted decentralized P2P communication: Embodia uses a peer-to-peer communication protocol that is fully encrypted, ensuring the security and privacy of users’ data. This allows for the sharing of VoIP, postures, assets, desktop, biodata, and IoT devices data within the virtual worlds without the need for a centralized server.

Environment and avatar customization: Users can choose from a wide range of environments and avatars from the Centeria marketplace, which is an Allostasis ecosystem startup. Additionally, creators can create their own environments and avatars and sell them on the Centeria marketplace. This allows for a high degree of customization and personalization within the virtual worlds.

Open-source and open-development platform: Embodia is built on open-source game engine and collaboration server technology. This means that developers, researchers, and designers can collaborate on new virtual experiences by editing or developing templates that are available on the platform. This allows for the constant evolution and growth of the metaverse.

Recording and playback of virtual experiences: Users can record their virtual experiences and store them in their own control. This allows them to playback and re-experience the virtual worlds from any point of view and at any time, in embodied 3D form.

Desktop screen sharing: The Desktop Screen Sharing feature in Embodia platform allows users to share their computer screen with others during a video conference or meeting. This feature can be particularly useful for healthcare professionals who need to share medical images or documents with their patients, colleagues or students. By allowing real-time collaboration and communication, this feature helps to improve the quality of care and education in the healthcare industry.

Integration with wearables and IoT devices: Embodia allows for integration with wearables and IoT devices, which can be synchronized physical world with virtual experiences for a more immersive and personalized experience.

Embodia’s platform also allows for body tracking, which enables users to track their body motions and face expressions using a simple webcam, VR/AR headsets or wearables. This feature allows for the synchronization of users’ avatars with their actual movements and expressions, providing a more immersive and realistic experience within the virtual worlds. This makes the virtual experiences feel more natural and allows for more seamless communication and interaction within the metaverse. Additionally, this feature can also be used for research and analysis in fields such as physical therapy, rehabilitation and cognitive or emotional games.

Flexibility of devices: users can use any devices like as desktop, laptop, mobile, VR and AR headsets with any OS like windows, android and mac for joining Embodia, also users can apply VR or AR box for putting their smartphone within to enjoy embodied experience of Virtual words.

Overall, Embodia’s platform features are designed to provide a high degree of security, privacy, and control for users, while also enabling collaboration, customization, and personalization within the virtual worlds. Additionally, its open-source and open-development nature enables constant evolution and growth of the metaverse.

Embodia is a technology-driven platform that offers a wide range of products and services aimed at revolutionizing the healthcare industry. The platform’s first products are designed to provide individuals with access to cutting-edge technologies and tools that can help them take control of their health and well-being. Embodia offers a range of products that cater to various use cases, including:


 Embodia’s self-meeting product allows users to hold virtual meetings with themselves, providing a private and secure space for personal reflection and development. For more information check because this product only accessible through Incarnia platform.

Group Meetings

 Embodia’s group meeting product is designed to enhance collaboration and communication among multiple participants. It offers an immersive environment with realistic and full-body avatars that are synchronized with users’ body motions and facial expressions, allowing participants to sit at a virtual table together. Users can share their desktop screens on a big screen in the virtual room or on a virtual tablet in front of them, and can also bring in 3D objects to use for storytelling or presentations. They can even record the entire experience, including bio data, for playback and analysis later using services from the ecosystem. Users have control over privacy settings, allowing them to choose who can see their private data, body or face. This product is ideal for a wide range of applications such as group therapy, sales meetings, collaborative games, research and more.

Doctor’s Rooms

 Embodia’s doctor’s room product allows patients to have virtual consultations with their doctors, providing an alternative to in-person visits and increasing accessibility to healthcare services. Patients can share real-time data from their wearables or past records with their doctor, who can then use available services in the ecosystem to analyze the data. The doctor can also invite other specialists such as neurologists or psychiatrists to the virtual room for collaboration. The consultation can be recorded for future playback and analysis.

Psychotherapy Rooms

 Embodia’s psychotherapy room product offers a convenient and private platform for clients to receive therapy sessions virtually. The product includes features that allow clients to express themselves through the use of 3D objects to depict their dreams or visualization tools to help express their emotions. Additionally, clients have the ability to share real-time data from wearables or past records for extracting daily and sleep patterns and emotional ups and downs. They also have the option to invite other experts, such as psychiatrists, to the therapy sessions. These sessions can be recorded for future reference and analysis, providing a valuable tool for ongoing therapy and progress tracking.

Seminar Rooms

 Embodia’s seminar room product offers a platform for education and professional development through virtual seminars. Presenters can use digital twins of smart homes or medical avatars to provide training on topics such as energy efficiency or anatomy. They can create a seminar room and sell tickets through the Centeria marketplace. Attendees can participate in real-time Q&A sessions and the presenter can record the seminar for future reference. These recordings can be sold as access to more audiences and allow them to playback the seminar from any point of view.

Film making Platform

 Embodia can be an excellent platform for film makers looking to create unique and immersive cinematic experiences. With its advanced tools and features, film makers can collaborate and record metaverse experiences in 3D, allowing them to capture stunning footage from any angle. Once the footage has been recorded, film makers can use the playback feature to explore and navigate the recorded environment, putting cameras in any location they desire to capture the perfect shot. Embodia’s editing tools make it easy to edit, montage, and create a final product that is both captivating and visually stunning. By using Embodia as a film making platform, film makers can create unique and memorable experiences that can be accessed by viewers from all around the world. The use of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) can enable groups of film makers to own the rights to their creation and distribute it as they see fit. This can open up new avenues for revenue generation and provide a new way for film makers to share their work with the world. With Embodia’s advanced tools and features, the possibilities for film makers are endless, allowing them to push the boundaries of what is possible in the world of cinema.

Customized Products

 Embodia provides a platform for game developers, researchers, asset, and avatar designers to create and monetize their own metaverse experiences and digital assets, expanding the community. The platform allows for the use of existing products as templates for creating new experiences with unique features or game mechanics. The Embodia community is continually researching and developing new use cases for the platform, such as rehabilitation and cognitive or emotional games, making it a versatile and adaptable solution for a wide range of industries and applications.

Based on market research by Fortune Business Insights, “The global metaverse market size was valued at USD 100.27 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow USD 1,527.55 billion by 2029, at a CAGR of 47.6% in forecast period. “Read More at: –

Embodia is well positioned to take advantage of the growth in the virtual reality and metaverse markets, by providing a platform for decentralized, open-source, and accessible virtual worlds. Furthermore, the platform’s focus on promoting health and sustainability aligns with the growing trend towards wellness and sustainability in the virtual reality and metaverse markets.

In terms of competition, Embodia faces competition from established players in the virtual reality and metaverse markets, such as Facebook’s Oculus and Unity Technologies. However, Embodia’s focus on decentralized, open-source, and accessible virtual worlds sets it apart from these competitors, and positions it well to capture market share in the growing virtual reality and metaverse markets.

Embodia’s business model is centered around providing a free-to-use platform with most of the core features available for all users. However, the platform also offers additional, premium features such as desktop sharing and seminar room access, for which users are required to pay a fee.

Additionally, Embodia generates revenue by reselling services such as cloud storage, bandwidth, AI services, and more to users. Another source of income for Embodia is the share of revenue generated by nodes and the sale of NFTs and access to virtual experiences through the Centeria marketplace. This allows Embodia to continue to innovate and improve the platform while also providing a sustainable business model.

In order to foster the growth and advancement of the Embodia platform and its vibrant community, the Allostasis DAO foundation has set aside a generous allocation of 500 million Allo tokens. These valuable tokens serve as a means to incentivize active user participation within the thriving Embodia ecosystem. By actively contributing to the platform’s development through the creation of innovative assets or environments, bringing new users into the network, sharing and donating data for research, or even by expanding the network through the addition of new nodes, users have the opportunity to earn and be rewarded with Allo tokens. This mutually beneficial system encourages engagement, collaboration, and ongoing contributions that will further enrich the Embodia experience for all participants.

In addition to incentivizing contributions to the platform, Stasis and Allo tokens can be utilized to fund development or creative projects within Embodia through the use of decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols. It is noteworthy that Stasis is also Allostasis’s stable token that is mintable against cash fiat and can be used for financing startups and projects. This creates a positive feedback loop of growth and development within the Embodia ecosystem, as users are incentivized to contribute, driving further growth and development. Consequently, more incentives are created for users to contribute, further enhancing the cycle.

Allostasis has allocated Allo tokens to Embodia that will be staked and released based on specific working package goals outlined in Embodia’s proposal. The tokens will be released upon achieving these goals, attracting new users, or receiving funds from decentralized finance (DeFi). The token economics of Embodia are allocated according to the table below.

Future Development: The teams and founders are committed to completing 4 working packages by the end of 2024. After that time, the development of the platform will continue based on the clarified rules. For this job, 3% of the total Embodia tokens have been allocated.

Treasury: Embodia corporation will control 3% of the total tokens of Embodia, and any transactions and policies related to it will be reported to the community.

Team: One of the four working packages has been completed before March 2023, and the teams and founders continue to fulfill their commitments. As a result, 25% of the total Embodia tokens have been allocated to the teams and founders. These tokens will be staked and released for trading or remain in stake based on the rules defined in the table below, upon completion of the working packages.

Marketing: For marketing purposes, 4% of the total tokens of Embodia have been allocated, and will be spent by Embodia corporation. This portion will be utilized for rewarding first users and influencers, amongst other use cases, and will be reported clearly to the community.

Private Sale: As part of our token distribution strategy, a portion of the allocated tokens, amounting to 5%, will be made available to investors participating in the pre-seed, seed, stage A, stage B, and stage C funding rounds.

Public Sale: Embodia is conducting a Public Sale to secure the necessary funds for the continuous development and growth of the platform. Through a decentralized auction, a portion equivalent to 6% of the total allocated Allo tokens will be made available for purchase. The proceeds generated from this public sale will actively contribute to covering the costs associated with platform development. As part of Embodia’s unwavering commitment to transparency and accountability, the team will regularly provide the community with updates and reports regarding the details and outcomes of this sale.

Rewards to Nodes: Everyone who runs Allostasis nodes and provides services to Embodia will receive rewards based on release rules mentioned in table below from the 4% of the total tokens allocated for this purpose.

Rewards to Users: Users, developers, researchers, and creators have the opportunity to develop the ecosystem through their participation. The majority of the total tokens, 50%, have been allocated to these community members based on the release rules outlined in the table below. These rewards will be staked for one year to support long-term participation. It’s important to note that those who hold tokens in stake have the right to vote, and the platform’s income will be divided among them.

Token Release Table Embodia will release allocated tokens based on the success of the platform in increasing users, ensuring sustainable growth of the token value.

The Allostasis community acts as a space where people converge to foster positive change. Here, we embrace the power of collective collaboration between users and their AI assistants within a groundbreaking ecosystem. Through active engagement and the sharing of data, we cultivate a community-owned AI engine that is poised to tackle the most pressing challenges of our time. Allostasis harnesses the potential of human-AI collaboration, empowering individuals to contribute their unique perspectives and insights towards solutions that promote human wellbeing, enhance social health, and ensure the sustainability of our environment.

Allostasis ecosystem nodes are essential components of the decentralized infrastructure. These nodes contribute to the network by providing valuable resources such as bandwidth, storage, and computation power. In return for their contributions, nodes are incentivized with Allo tokens, which are distributed through smart contracts deployed on the Ethereum network. The smart contracts manage rewards based on various factors, including the amount of bandwidth, storage, and computation provided by each node, as well as the number of users they bring into the network. This incentivization structure ensures that nodes are fairly and transparently rewarded for their contributions to the Allostasis ecosystem. By providing these incentives, Allostasis encourages participation and growth within the network, which in turn helps to enhance the overall functionality and effectiveness of all platforms in the Allostasis ecosystem.

The nodes within the Allostasis ecosystem are equipped with the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) protocol, which provides a decentralized and distributed file system. However, it’s important to note that the IPFS protocol implemented in Allostasis’s nodes is not primarily used for data storage. Instead, it is leveraged for creating a network of decentralized nodes and recording small amounts of data, such as authentication and verification data. This approach ensures that data is stored securely and privately between nodes, while also allowing for easy and efficient sharing and collaboration among network participants. The nodes include a collaborative server, big data platform for IoT devices, and an artificial intelligence (AI) engine for advanced processing.

The Allostasis ecosystem includes a portfolio of 7 innovative startups that have been developing since mid-2019. By the end of 2022, each of these startups has developed a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and they work together as an interconnected ecosystem. At the core of this ecosystem is Allostasis, a blockchain-based decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) foundation that is dedicated to promoting health and sustainability. The foundation rewards tokens, called Stasis, to the other 6 startups as an incentive for their participation in the ecosystem and alignment with its goals.

The first startup in the portfolio, Centeria Marketplace, is focused on revolutionizing the way we think about digital ownership and financial transactions. By leveraging Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and Decentralized Finance (DeFi) technologies, Centeria aims to create a platform that allows for secure and transparent digital and physical asset ownership and financial transactions. The marketplace also provides access to services provided by startups or community members, enabling them to monetize their digital and physical assets and services, and creating a vibrant and decentralized economy.

The second startup, Embodia, is a decentralized open-source and open-development metaverse platform. Embodia offers secure, end-to-end encrypted, and decentralized peer-to-peer collaboration. It is built using open-source game engine and collaboration server technology, and it offers metaverse experience services to other members of the Allostasis ecosystem as well as users can add servers to the network freely by themselves. It has ready products for various use cases such as self-meetings, group meetings, doctor’s rooms, psychotherapy rooms, and seminar rooms. It also allows game developers, researchers, asset and avatar designers to create and monetize their own metaverse experiences for expanding the community.

The third startup, Avatia, is a cutting-edge platform for precision medicine that utilizes human personal avatar as her digital twin. The platform allows users to collect and store their wearables and clinical data in a secure and standardized format, giving them control and ownership over their own health data. This data is used to update the user’s digital twin and avatar, allowing for a more accurate and personalized digital representation of the user. The realistic avatars created on Avatia can also be utilized on the metaverse platform, this can lead to more precise and effective treatments and care, and also allows for more efficient and personalized research in the field of precision medicine.

The fourth startup, Incarnia, is a state-of-the-art platform for personal biofeedback, emotion recognition, and cognitive recognition. The platform is designed to provide users with a comprehensive understanding of their own physical and emotional states. Users can access the self-meeting room from Embodia and utilize the services of OpenAI or other providers for biofeedback and self-recognition. Furthermore, the platform can be integrated with wearables and other devices to provide real-time biofeedback, allowing users to make adjustments in real-time to improve their physical and emotional well-being. The platform also provides opportunities for self-reflection and personal development, and it can be used for various purposes such as therapy, meditation, and stress management.

The fifth startup, Wearia, is a revolutionary open-source and open-development wearable platform. It offers a wide range of modular full-body wearables that are designed to be flexible and customizable to meet the individual needs of users. These wearables include advanced bio-sensing technology that can measure various physiological parameters such as heart rate, blood pressure, and sleep patterns. In addition, Wearia’s wearables feature haptic feedback technology that can simulate touch and temperature, as well as stimulation technology that can provide targeted stimulation to different areas of the body. The platform also includes body tracking technology that can track the user’s movements and posture, providing valuable insights into their physical activity. Wearia’s platform is also designed to provide users with a more immersive and interactive experience in Embodia and Incarnia and to give them more control over their physical and emotional well-being. The platform also provides opportunities for developers, researchers, and manufacturers to create new wearable solutions that can be used in different fields such as health, sports, entertainment, and education. By leveraging the open-source and open-development nature of the platform, Wearia aims to create a vibrant and decentralized economy where new and innovative solutions can flourish.

The sixth startup, Greenia, is a decentralized e-commerce platform that is dedicated to promoting sustainable solutions for IoT, automation, electrification, and digitalization products. It also includes an industry 4.0 and energy efficiency experts’ network, which provides users with access to a wealth of resources and expertise in these areas. Additionally, Greenia features a smart and green solution blog platform, which serves as a hub for knowledge and community engagement, providing users with the latest information and insights on sustainable solutions. One of the most significant benefits of Greenia is that it creates a green community within the Allostasis ecosystem. Users and members can meet and collaborate with each other, share knowledge and ideas and make training courses by Embodia. This allows for a more collaborative and decentralized approach to promoting sustainability, and it also helps to create a more engaged and informed community of users.

This portfolio of startups represents a unique combination of cutting-edge technologies that have the potential to make a significant impact in the areas of open science, precision medicine, sustainability, and data democracy. The ecosystem, is dedicated to open science and has a strong focus on health and precision medicine. By converging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), metaverse (VR/AR/MR) and blockchain (web3), and also these startups are also focused on sustainability, particularly in the areas of smart-cities and industry 4.0.

In addition to current portfolio of startups, Allostasis founders also believe in fostering an open and inclusive ecosystem where other startups and individuals can contribute and promote the goals of Allostasis. By building a community-driven ecosystem, we aim to create a platform where new and innovative ideas can flourish and be supported by the community. Allostasis plan to achieve this by implementing a voting system where the community can vote on new startups that align with the goals of Allostasis. This will allow for a more democratic and decentralized approach to building the ecosystem. Startups that are voted in by the community will be able to access the resources, support, and network of the existing startups, as well as the benefits of the Allostasis tokens (Stasis and Allo).